Did you know that whenever you buy an Avon Breast Cancer product that the representative does not get commission on that product? We proudly allow AVON to send the entire purchase price to the AVON FOUNDATION in the pursuit of Breast Cancer... Research. The same goes for our products bringing awareness to Domestic Violence, of which the costs of the items support Avon's efforts to assist those women wanting to rebuild their lives free from emotional and physical abuse.
Today I had the opportunity to give back a little to my community. A woman with stage 3 breast cancer, who did not have insurance or income, to pay for the chemo and pain medication, asked me how she could raise money for her fight to live. I set up an event on my website so that people could purchase the products they were going to purchase anyway at the store, like, shampoo, deodorant, etc., and my commission would go to her doctor to pay for the support she needs.
Thanks to Panda Express, I was able to give out a lot of books and flyers directing them to the site, but not enough. I am asking you, as a friend, go to my site, purchase some items, use the free shipping option for over 30.00 - or actually tonight it is 25% off and free shipping for orders 10.00 - but it changes daily and I will post that - Just click the EVENT page and look for Teresa Collins' event. Once you order from that site, the code will automatically configure to funnel the commission to the right fund.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. As a survivor 2x myself, I know how it feels to look at your grandchildren and for a fleeting thought, wonder how long you will get to enjoy them in this life. I say fleeting, because God's will, positive mental attitude, desire and excellent medical care, makes the determination between this life and the next. It's just nice to be here to watch them

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