It's been a great couple of weeks - we rounded up #22 with 3 President's Club members and 2 of our newest in the top 10 of the District. So proud of my team.
As you read through this, remember that when you write down a goal, you set your rudder for it everytime you see it on the refrigerator, on the bathroom mirror, and you can't NOT make it because your brain will say, "Oh yes! If I want to do that, I probably shouldn't be on the Video Slots or some Bon bon game on facebook, I should be getting more books from Karen, stamping and handing them out in a supermarket parking lot, or something like that!"
A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder! - Thomas Carlysle
Have a great #23 - you should be calling people right now to find out what they want to get before these items are discontinued. Right click on this picture and "save image as" - then send it to all your customers with a note and a link to your website. Make me proud! We were short our team goal of at least 4,000.00 Would love to see us go way farther than that.
FOR MY CUSTOMERS! TO PLACE AN ORDER ON MY SITE - GO TO: to see current campaign coupon codes to save you $$$$.
for Campaign 19
High Sales Winner was:
Mary Helen Rodriguez - $451.00
For Campaign 20
High Sales Winner was:
Shelley Warren, Maryland - $536.00
For Campaign 21
High Sales Winner was
Mary Helen Rodriguez - $360.00

For Campaign #22, High Sales goes to:
Shelley Pulve-Warren, Maryland - $1194.00
Below find the District totals for #22
and see how you rank in the District.
Congratulations to
Congratulations to Mary Helen Rodriguez for being the #1 Top New Representative in our District with 2741. in cumulative sales since she began!
Mary Helen makes me laugh. She always tells me that she is sorry it is such a little order and then there are like 15 people who ordered! It's because she calls, she follows up, she makes suggestions and she gets the order! Way to go Mary Helen - you are #1 for 22 for Top new Rep
Here's a Hint!
Have a make up party - use your samples
let them experiment -
after before
They can't say no when they see such great results!
Congratulations to Sandra Romo for being one of the top 10 new Representatives with a Sales Volume of already $1742 since she started!
Always important to love what you do ! I see this in Sandra Romo - she is really enjoying this job!
I know Donna enjoys this business - she has done so well!
Really proud of her!
Congratulations to Top Established Rep Donna Hernandez with a Cumulative total so far this year of $5,377.00
We have 3 President's Club Members - that's exciting in itself for me! But let's keep going - how many can we get before the end of the year? You just need to do a couple of Fund Raisers. Do you know anyone who has been sick and needs to raise some money? Do you know any organization who would like to buy supplies for school or equipment? This is a perfect way to end the year so that you can get 40% off every single order next year no matter how $$$$.
Shelley Warren from Maryland - $11,491.00
on her way to Honor Society
Shelley will be getting 40% off and 3 demos of every item in the What's new if she wants, on every order next year.
Mary Sanford
11,767.00 - on her way to Honor Society
Mary will be getting 40% off on every order and 3 demos on every order she wants from the What's New book next year!
Karen Meyer 17,451.00
on her way to Honor Society!
This has not been my best year, but with 3 major surgeries, it dawned on me, what business would allow me to make as much as I can while spending 28 weeks at home recuperating? None - except Avon. Thank you Avon. With a new knee and 2 new shoulders, I am ready to shoulder new responsibilities as your leader! Let's go get 'em!
Results as of 10/25

 | |  | |  |
1 | Kristin M Larson | $79,360 |
2 | Jeanette Chamberlain | $21,557 |
3 | Karen Meyer | $17,451 |
4 | Jody Freed | $17,113 |
5 | Linda A Pio | $13,855 |
6 | Angela K Mcghee | $12,448 |
7 | Cheryl Ardoin | $11,597 |
9 | Kathy Bauman | $8,493 |
10 | Bernadette Shaw | $7,942 |
| |
1 | Kristin M Larson | $13,734 |
2 | Angela K Mcghee | $5,594 |
3 | Jody Freed | $2,900 |
4 | Joyce White | $2,434 |
5 | Velma Allabaugh | $2,390 |
6 | Virginia D Csader | $1,637 |
7 | Linda A Pio | $1,619 |
8 | Lori Acierto | $1,572 |
10 | Joyce C Miller | $1,261 |
| |
1 | Jeanette Chamberlain | 12 |
2 | Kristin M Larson | 10 |
3 | Karen Meyer | 7 |
5 | Lori Acierto | 3 |
6 | Angela K Mcghee | 2 |
7 | Cheryl Ardoin | 2 |
8 | Velma Allabaugh | 1 |
9 | Tamara Ortiz | 1 |
10 | Sydelle Cohen | 1 |
 | |  | |  |
1 | Kristin M Larson | $79,360 |
2 | Jeanette Chamberlain | $21,557 |
3 | Karen Meyer | $17,451 |
4 | Jody Freed | $17,113 |
5 | Linda A Pio | $13,855 |
6 | Angela K Mcghee | $12,448 |
7 | Cheryl Ardoin | $11,597 |
9 | Kathy Bauman | $8,493 |
10 | Bernadette Shaw | $7,942 |
| |
1 | Kristin M Larson | $13,734 |
2 | Angela K Mcghee | $5,594 |
3 | Jody Freed | $2,900 |
4 | Linda A Pio | $1,619 |
5 | Jeanette Chamberlain | $400 |
6 | Karen Meyer | $61 |
| |
1 | Jeanette Chamberlain | 12 |
2 | Kristin M Larson | 10 |
3 | Karen Meyer | 7 |
4 | Angela K Mcghee | 2 |
5 | Cheryl Ardoin | 2 |
6 | Sydelle Cohen | 1 |
 | |  | |  |
1 | Joyce White | $7,594 |
2 | Virginia D Csader | $6,969 |
3 | Velma Allabaugh | $6,886 |
4 | Marilyn J Gavin | $6,180 |
5 | Beth A Brezinski | $5,403 |
6 | Donna G Hernandez | $5,377 |
7 | Amanada M Alexander | $5,234 |
8 | Teresa Haaser | $4,960 |
9 | Mrs Esther Nunez | $4,753 |
| |
1 | Joyce White | $2,434 |
2 | Velma Allabaugh | $2,390 |
3 | Virginia D Csader | $1,637 |
4 | Lori Acierto | $1,572 |
6 | Joyce C Miller | $1,261 |
8 | Mrs Esther Nunez | $1,042 |
9 | Carla Summers | $950 |
10 | Denise M Paduano | $941 |
| |
2 | Lori Acierto | 3 |
3 | Velma Allabaugh | 1 |
4 | Tamara Ortiz | 1 |
5 | Tracey L Mcdaniel | 1 |
6 | Norma Hanson | 1 |
 | | | |  |
2 | 1. M Helen Rodriguez $2,741
Sandra R Romo |
1,742 |
4 | Maxine Murillo | $1,201 |
6 | Maria Mateo | $621 |
| | | |