Mentor talk of the day...
click here to view the shot in the arm for the day :)
I hope all of you have switched to a gmail account. The reason why I am listing your city after your name is so that when people input your zip code, city and the word Avon Rep, YOU will show up. Just pimp out your google plus page then make sure you send me a link to it so I can put it here. If you notice, my blog is picked up with the search engines - so it will make you more famous!
Remember. get a professional gmail name (not something like
and start your - Google Plus Page today! I want THIS for you! I get 3-4 new strangers calling me for AVON each week now!
Now to the Good Stuff!!!
Crecencia Ramirez (Tempe - Karen Meyer UL) -
(See Story below)
Angelica Cuenca (Phoenix - UL Team leader = Crecencia Ramirez)
Stephanie Ramirez-Jackanin (Phoenix - her UL Team Leader = Crecencia Ramirez
Valerie Barron - (Phoenix - her UL Team Leader = Crecencia Ramirez
Marilyn Sprinzl - (Mesa, AZ = Karen Meyer, UL)
Naomi Jarri -(ASU Student - Submitted 115.00 order 1st week!) - K Meyer UL)
Fayrene Henderson - (Phoenix - Karen Meyer, UL)
Monalita Mitchell - (Mesa, AZ - Karen Meyer, UL (referred by C Mahkewa)
Charlene Johnson (Mesa, AZ - Karen Meyer, UL)
This section is for special recognition of Reps who went above and beyond and still submitted a large order even when the tides had turned and their luck was down in other areas of their lives, whether sick, whether just settling into a new move in, whether they had family problems, they still persevered. This takes courage and a special kind of courage to put your problems aside, rise above it and do what it takes to help your family. If you are having a tough time and you still did your job - hats off to you - let us know so we can give you the Heroine recognition you deserve!
We have a couple of heroines in this department. The nice thing about this business is that you can do it from bed - just pick up the phone and call your customers - send them to the website. That is what Top Ten New Representative Carmen Licano did when she had to go to the hospital for emergency surgery. Even though she was in there, she placed an order for #6. We wish her the best. She is at $602 for the year and when she hits 1000, she will get her Avon Bling Pin. Keep up the good work Carmen.
Laura Brown-Robinson #1 Non President's Club Rep for the year so far!
Yes - you read that right both girls are on the Top 10 list for the District! See Below! This is what having character is all about - following through in the face of unknown.
Thank you!
Winner of our High Sales Contest
for Campaign #7 -2015
Shelley Pulve - Warren sold $700.00 - Randalstown, Maryland
My rep in Maryland came up with a unique way to maximize on her sales and allowed me to copy her technique for you all. Shelley was our top Rep here in Mesa. She got married and moved to Maryland where it was tough to get a foothold in a small town. I worried for her to regain top rep status when she said that the only rep in town was living RIGHT next door. She has always been an "out of the box thinker". Shelley consistently does what others who are not successful won't do and that is what makes a leader. She will pick a strip mall and go door to door making friends. Anyway she designed this flyer that gave her 700. In one campaign. It's genius. Try it! Thanks Shelley. You are tracking for Presidents club. (She is also trying to personally beat each of her 2014 campaign. That will give her that guaranteed 40% all that much sooner. ) Here is something else, for what it is worth - Shelley reads this blog and reads the District Emails - she TAKES ACTION.
Crecencia is a marvelous leader! She jumped right in and bought the $300.00 kit for 85.00 and then within one week, she added 3 people who are about to enter their first order. Crecencia is a caregiver and genuinely the type of person who is empathetic, but gets the job done, no matter what! Her first three are Stephanie, Valerie and Angelica! For doing such a quick start, she earned this

Results as of 3/17
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This covers parts of Arizona, California and Nevada
This is cumulative from Jan 1 til now
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FYI: Certain ranks, names, and values are not displayed based on the Representative publicity release setting. To change your publicity release setting for the next campaigns results, click here to update your preference.