Thank heavens! We had some real scorchers here in the Scottsdale area this summer. A few times it was over 120 as my car documented very well! What do you do when it is really hot? What is your go-to cool down mode?
You are going to think this is crazy because we have a totally air-conditioned home but if it climbs above 80 in our home, I have a fan that I turn on with my remote and aim it at my reclining chair. Silly - I know. I also set up our exercise area to be just like AMGEN gym and have a television and fans so I'm more comfortable. The thing they forget to tell you here is that it gets so hot that before you even perspire, you've already lost precious fluid from dehydration.
One time, I did a little Avon booth in at an event outside and - honestly, we were out there for just 3 hours and when I came in I fainted. It didn't even seem that hot to me - maybe only 90 degrees or so. Had no clue I was dehydrated. I a little was incoherent. It wasn't nearly as hard as what my daughter went through when she was in the Army.
It reminded me of the story my daughter told me when she was doing laundry in Afghanistan and she blacked out in the laundromat. the Rangers threw her into their humvee and drove like wild across the desert to their "barracks". The doctors put her on iv' and fixed her right up but not before they let her spend time with them. "They had to take better care of the Rangers who really put it out there on the line in the 10th mountain division. They had air-conditioned tents, showers, recliners - big-screen TVs and work out equipment. When they come off a mission they need serious downtime," she said.

The reason I am telling you this is because it's starting to be that time of year when we think about our servicewomen. They need toiletries and care packages. If you would like to donate to this, I will pack up some Avon bath and body products and put your name on the card. We need the boxes to go into the mail before November 1st, so think about it and then come back and click on one of these buttons and we will take care of the rest. You can also click that you want this to be anonymous or that you want me to add your name to the list of donors that I will put on this site as soon as it goes out.
Love you for thinking of others - especially those women who had to leave their kids at home to protect our freedoms. We will pay for the postage!
Each bundle will have a handcrafted thank you card and we will sign your name.
If you would like to send a specific message, please send it to
Bundle 1 - Scrubby Loufa, Deodorant, hand lotion, shower gel, body wash, body lotion: DONATE: 30.00
Bundle 2 - hand cream, 5 lip balms, shampoo, conditioner and deodorant, BUG SPRAY
DONATE: 35.00
Bundle 3 - Skin so Soft, perfume, shampoo and conditioner, deodorant:
DONATE 40.00