Lots of new things to tell you! Take Notes! Or come back here often!

Our very own Mary Sanford is now #2 in the Rising Star Division for Established non-President's Club Representatives. I am so proud of her. She has had a lot of adversity to overcome and she just keeps rising to the challenge. If you lost your job and then had to leave your home and live in a hotel for months because the water damage was so horrific your entire house had to be gutted, would you have the same strength of character to say, "I have to do this. I need the money and I am going to succeed". I am inspired by her reaction to adversity and she is a good role model to think about when we are feeling sorry for ourselves. She has done $7,618 in sales since January 1. Last campaign she gave a list of things that she does to help establish a bond between her customers and herself. Make sure you read about it - it is in Campaign Results blog post for #8. Don't think I am not taking notes!
We can look to others for inspiration, but unless we do the book drops, and follow up, get names and phone numbers, advertise on buffer.com, or use our web office to send off advertisements in Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, nothing will happen.
This week I watched Lisa Monoson, an Avon Executive Leader from Florida on youtube.com presentation of 17 reasons why you don't have Customers! She is fabulous - watch this and come back again and take a few notes - make sure you tell me on our Facebook page what your takeaway was. What do you think the most important thing is that you need to do to get customers? https://www.facebook.com/groups/MEYERSMAKEUPMAVENS
If you have a gmail account, you can also have a blog and a youtube.com channel. I use powerpoint, then I save it as a WMV file. That way, it flows a little better. One of the best ways I know on how to get customers is to do videos on how you put on your make up and some of the items that you have found invaluable.
This is my http://youtube.com/kdaymayday channel
Shelby Saunders
Shelby, as one of our new Reps knows that when she does a 100.00 order, before shipping and tax, 4 times in a row, she will receive 40% off all her AVON products (not shoes, handbags, jewelry, home wares, kitchen products, clothing, bras).
When she does her first 100.00 order on this weekend (#10), and it is ontime and paid ontime, she will win this:
When she does her first 100.00 order on this weekend (#10), and it is ontime and paid ontime, she will win this:
Welcome Kaylee Mott!
Kaylee is under Casey Kuny and has done 2 orders over 100.00 and her first one was within her first month. She paid her orders in full before the next campaign.... so yes! She received 40.00 off her Avon Products portion of the order.
Casey liked the way Kaylee did her (Casey's) hair - (Avon Reps are always looking for people with natural talent!) and said, "Come aboard!" We are glad she did!
We need a pic of Kaylee please!
Make sure you upload one at our Facebook Site!

Kaylee is under Casey Kuny and has done 2 orders over 100.00 and her first one was within her first month. She paid her orders in full before the next campaign.... so yes! She received 40.00 off her Avon Products portion of the order.
Casey liked the way Kaylee did her (Casey's) hair - (Avon Reps are always looking for people with natural talent!) and said, "Come aboard!" We are glad she did!
We need a pic of Kaylee please!
Make sure you upload one at our Facebook Site!
Coming your way Kaylee!!1
Also - Hurray for Casey Marie Kuny! As a PROMOTER (your new title), you will receive 35.00
for helping Kaylee get her first order in and paid on time!
Also - Hurray for Casey Marie Kuny! As a PROMOTER (your new title), you will receive 35.00
for helping Kaylee get her first order in and paid on time!
Meet Jenny Lynn Legree
Jenny has a lot of talent! Besides being an tremendous sales lady, she is an accomplished singer!
She just did her first order of over 317.00. She has been named Rising Star Division's TOP NEW REPRESENTATIVE for Campaign 8. This means all of A R I Z O N A and parts of Cali down to the border. For doing her 1st order over 100.00 not only did she get 40% off her Avon Products (and will get the amazing 55.00 Make up Pallette!
Well Done Jenny - you make us all proud! Please tell me on our Facebook page, your techniques for getting those orders so we can share with other new girls.

Monica Leon - May 4
Happy Birthday Monica!
Something special is coming because you had a Birthday and Anniversary in the same month?
Most Avon Reps join right around their birthday - one of those weird but true facts! Do you think it is because they are ready for something special just for them? You Bet!

Monica Leon 2 years
Relda Quinn 1 years
Both of these ladies have exceptional personalities. Both of them greet you with a warm smile and eye contact. That is a character trait that makes you or breaks you as a sales woman and these gals have it. Also, they have "stick-to-it-tive ness". This means, come rain or shine, they keep their account going, whether it be just an order for books or a huge order. Good work girls!
#1 Salesperson for MEYERS MAKEUP MAVENS!

Here's Shelley on the Left at an event with Cheryl Ardoin
Meet Jenny Lynn Legree
Jenny has a lot of talent! Besides being an tremendous sales lady, she is an accomplished singer!
She just did her first order of over 317.00. She has been named Rising Star Division's TOP NEW REPRESENTATIVE for Campaign 8. This means all of A R I Z O N A and parts of Cali down to the border. For doing her 1st order over 100.00 not only did she get 40% off her Avon Products (and will get the amazing 55.00 Make up Pallette!
Well Done Jenny - you make us all proud! Please tell me on our Facebook page, your techniques for getting those orders so we can share with other new girls.
Monica Leon - May 4
Happy Birthday Monica!
Something special is coming because you had a Birthday and Anniversary in the same month?
Most Avon Reps join right around their birthday - one of those weird but true facts! Do you think it is because they are ready for something special just for them? You Bet!

Monica Leon 2 years
Relda Quinn 1 years
Both of these ladies have exceptional personalities. Both of them greet you with a warm smile and eye contact. That is a character trait that makes you or breaks you as a sales woman and these gals have it. Also, they have "stick-to-it-tive ness". This means, come rain or shine, they keep their account going, whether it be just an order for books or a huge order. Good work girls!
#1 Salesperson for MEYERS MAKEUP MAVENS!

Shelley Pulve-Warren
from Randallstown, Maryland
487.00 This is how it all broke down!
295.00 - 439.99 - Earnings 35%
Mary Sanford - N Phoenix $412.00
How did we place in the District?
That is all of Scottsdale, Fountain HIlls, Mesa, Gilbert, Tempe, parts of Chandler, East Phoenix
If you see a name that is in BOLD, she is in our Unit!
We need you! We need more people placing orders. Call me and let's get you going again!
FYI: Certain ranks, names, and values are not displayed based on the
Representative publicity release setting. To change your publicity
release setting for the next campaigns results, click here to update your preference.
It is comprised of ALL the Reps in Arizona and part of California down to the Border
Here is how the top guns look from Jan 1 to present....Can you do this? Of Course you can!
Want to know more about how you make money as a leader?
Watch this!
from Randallstown, Maryland
487.00 This is how it all broke down!
you stand proud of your accomplishments, take a glance of what Earnings
% you WOULD have been in, had you stretched and hit your next HOT
1575.00+ - Earnings 50%
*Let's all shoot for this!!*
When you reach 65,000 per year, the David O McConnell Club, every order you place no matter what the size is, is at a 50% discount for the entire year
925-1574.00 - Earnings 45%
When you reach Rose Circle 35,000 in one campaign yearly cycle - every order you place no matter what the size is, is at a 45% discount for an ENTIRE year.
Karen Meyer - Scottsdale, AZ 85251 $1089.00
Karen Meyer - Scottsdale, AZ 85251 $1089.00
440 - 924.99 - Earnings 40%
President's Club winners get 40% all year long once they get to 10,000 in sales in a calendar year.
Shelley A Warren - Randallstown, Maryland $487
Shelley is one of our President's Club members and gets 40% off all her AVON products for the whole year
regardless of her sales size.
295.00 - 439.99 - Earnings 35%
Mary Sanford - N Phoenix $412.00
150.00 - 294.99 - Earnings 30% -
Martha Sheffield, Las Vegas, NV 257.00
Maria Lozano, Ventura, CA 223.00
Donna Hernandez, Chandler, AZ 214.00
Brenda Wiggington, Phoenix, AZ 156.00
, Relda Quinn, Chandler, AZ 143.00
**just 7.00 more dollars and you would have received 30%,**
Juanita Sloane, Scottsdale, AZ 118.00
Kalee Mott, Tempe, AZ 113.00
***This was one of her first orders and she received 40% off her AVON products***
0- 50.00 - Earnings 0%
Marilyn Sprinzl - Chandler, AZ 42.00
Marilyn Sprinzl - Chandler, AZ 42.00
Monica Leon, Tempe, AZ 39.00
Call me to discuss how we can get you more sales and more customers -
let's get you some $$$$$
Thanks for staying in the game - always order books/samples
if you are not going to place an order.
How did we place in the District?
That is all of Scottsdale, Fountain HIlls, Mesa, Gilbert, Tempe, parts of Chandler, East Phoenix
If you see a name that is in BOLD, she is in our Unit!
We need you! We need more people placing orders. Call me and let's get you going again!
Results as of 4/26
It is comprised of ALL the Reps in Arizona and part of California down to the Border
Here is how the top guns look from Jan 1 to present....Can you do this? Of Course you can!
Results as of 4/26
Want to know more about how you make money as a leader?
Watch this!
You are all doing so well! I love helping you! If you strayed away, come back AND LETS REGROUP! 480 262 3525
Make sure you go to Avon University on your website and take your classes. You will receive an honorary Degree Certificate from me in Business Consultancy when you tell me you are complete.
Next week - learn how to save money with Avon, learn how not to lose money with Avon
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