Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Changes are always positive
you sometimes just need
 to look for that 
with better eyes!

Last night marked the first of many "no meetings" with Avon!  As we move to a more technological era, we can now access our Business Buzz meetings via cell phone or computer.  They will be located on the front page of the site as you log in.  You can watch the video of changes and improvements, as well as product knowledge and sales tips in 5 minute vignettes (sections).

So last night was our last District Business Buzz and it was a lot of fun!

Got some pictures thought we could share with you....

Every 3rd MONDAY - at Denny's Scottsdale will be our Campaign Planning meeting. 
At this meeting, you will learn about new products, touch,feel,smell, and learn how to sell them.  

I will still keep track of how you are doing in our group and give kudos to those who wish to continue on the path of excellence.

Here is an article I wrote about Hyaluronic Acid and the importance in our lives as we age.

Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid
There are Hyaluronic acid oral supplements which are promoted for arthritis and many other conditions including skin health. "I have come across a human study with an oral form from chicken comb which showed some improvement in joint pain. Many studies have been conducted with it in the injectable form into knees. Some of the studies with the injectable form of hyaluronic acid directly into the joint show it to be effective," From Dr. Sahelian - not affiliated with Avon products.

I have been putting it on my knee trying to reduce the inflammation - it might be all in my head, but it just might be working too but Avon is not suggesting you eat their cream!. - ~ KarenMeyer

Avon came out with Hyaluronic Acid before most cosmetic companies. It is an important aid in healing, anti inflammatory, and is used sometimes to promote anti eczema, and acne skin behaviors, as well as super hydration, promotes the skin's elasticity, It moisturizes, enhances the skin’s ability to absorb moisture, locks moisture into the skin, is vital in the skin’s recovery process, and stimulates the production of collagen.

Why is the buzz word out now? Maybe that's how long it takes for the competition to catch up. You might recall this evolution of products as far back as 1999 - Derma Full X3, 2007 Genics, and now the Anew Clinical Overnight Hydration Mask which is an injectable grade filling the spaces between collagen loss.


8727 E Amelia Avenue
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
480 262 3525

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