Thursday, April 24, 2014


So glad to tell you that all of your answers are easy to find.  When you first joined I urged you to log on and get to know your website and do the online training.  It is a fact that those people who do the training make more money than others.

I am proud to tell you that our Division SILVER SANDS, has set a precedence that will soon be adopted all over the United States.  We are giving you the opportunity to earn a diploma and be recognized by taking the classes and printing out your certificates.  

I graduated from high school and went to a year of a University before I married at 18 years old.  My first husband discouraged my going back to school, but my parents insisted that I at least graduate from a business college before marrying.  You can't imagine how happy it makes me feel to have this diploma for Avon's online Consultancy and Business Management Degree program.

I urge you to log in and start your training now. It is just 15 minutes per class and you can do this whole thing in a week if you try.

The deadline for the next graduation ceremony is July 1 - please bring your copies to Glenda Navarro to validate.

I want you to be a success - I will continue to give you tips and advice for your best interest.  Just follow my lead....
Here I am pictured with Avon's SILVER SANDS DIVISION SALES MANAGER, Jerry Medley.

If you are interested in a stay at home job, where you choose your own hours and days, and are able to advance yourself, give yourself raises, and take control of your finanaces and life, you need to talk to me!  This is so fun!

You can go to:       use my reference code to be placed in my unit kmeyer2352

Without the code you will be placed randomly with some other wonderful manager, but I would love you to be on my team so I can personally mentor you to success!
Twitter:  kdaymayday
Facebook:  kdaymayday
facebook:  AvonSkinCare AZ

Saturday, April 19, 2014

New Rep First Order Form

Since Avon doesn't recognize the new reps without a first order of 50 or more, they are Pending Representatives - that is why I wrote that at the top

Some people seem to not want to make a first order until they have orders from Customers.  To help them understand that we are just diverting the money they were going to spend anyway at Albertsons or Walgreens, I call it a FAMILY SHOPPING LIST.  The word shopping list shows they aren't taking away from the family just lining their pockets instead of Walgreen

Let them add up the non Avon things in one  column and the Avon things in the other. "You decide what discount you you are going to give yourself today." Total them up and then deduct the % from each chart to see what they paid themselves.  When they look up what they get to deduct I always see the smile when they physically give themselves a profit. 

The 7.95 fee. I say "when Avon delivers product I almost feel guilty when I see it's only 7.95. So, even with 400-500 pounds delivered to my doorstep of boxes, Avon generously only charges 7.95 one simple fee, but when someone just does a 50.00 - their 20% kicks in and brings it down to 40.00, then tax and the 7.95 handling fee is added.  You can see that has very little impact on a large order however when you only place a fifty dollar order your profits get eaten up by the tax and fee.  So let's think big enough so you won't have to go to the store for a while for personal things for a while." 

Regarding tax. "We only get charged 7.95% so we make a little $ when we have to charge 8.3%". You can charge 7.95 or you probably need to charge 8.3% and pay that to your home town at tax time. - ask your tax man.

When I ask them to pay I take care in using positive wording. No one ever wants to pay. But if you say,"how do we want to take care of this. We can take just about every card." - its softer.  Taking care of things infers they have integrity and responsibility.  

1) their first order will be their first opportunity to buy from their own store and not line the supermarket's pockets.

2)  It will be their first opportunity to have a tax deduction towards their business by modeling and encouraging others to buy the products they are using/wearing.

3)  They will turn a profit within the first week because of these things

4)  Their order will be place and paid for on the day of signing;

5)  Your customer will now qualify - hands down - for the first incentive because their order is early, ship separate, and paid for on time (early).

5) You will qualify for the 25.00 recruiter fee.

After we enter their order in the system, I give them the paper copy and staple it to their tax data sheet from MY ACCOUNTS.   I say "This is your first real tax deduction for your business, you just turned a profit because these will adjust your gross earnings downward."

There are other instructions for a successful first week on page 2. The note at the bottom, in my opinion is, this is subliminal. To me, this raises their self esteem when they feel like they are in good standing. 

The link to this NEW REP FIRST ORDER FORM is here on my website - I wish you success -the success that I am having in making new reps feel excited about their business!

If the link doesn't work go to and click on the tab that says Avon Rep page - It's on there as "NEW REP FIRST ORDER FORM"

Friday, April 18, 2014


CAMPAIGN 10 - SPECIALS AND DEALS - looks like about 80.00 In FREE stuff!!

Brochure 10: Pages 50/51   Buy an Avon Femme Eau de Parfum Spray, GET A FREE BODY LOTION - Avon will automatically send your FREE units Value about 12.00 FREE

Brochure 10:  Pages 54/55;  Buy a Haiku Eau de Parfum Spray, GET FREE GIFTS. Avon will automatically send your FREE Units - value: about  15.00

Brochure 10:  Pages 56/57;  Buy an Imari Eau de Cologne Spray, get FREE GIFTS.   Avon will automatically send your FREE Units.  VALUE: about 25.00


Brochure 10:   Buy a Vintage Purple Faceted Y Necklace,  get FREE Vintage Purple Faceted Earrings. Avon will automatically send your FREE UNITS:  Value:  9.99 

Brochure 10:  Pages 166/167;  Buy any 2 Skin-So-Soft Satin Glow products, get ONE FREE (mix or match)  Order the exact quantity that you want including your free units. VALUE:  10.00

Mark  - Pages 24/25; With any purchase of On The Dot Eye Color Compact, Get a FREE Please Hold Primer.  Order the exact quantity that you want, including your FREE units. Value about 10.00

What’s New  #12- on Page 32/33 Magazine for Representatives:   With any purchase of any 2 Hook-Up Products, get a FREE hook up Connector -  Avon will automatically send your FREE units - VALUE ABOUT .50

What’s New #12 -  Pages 34/3; Buy This Is Big Mousse, get FREE Hair to Stay Ties, Avon will automatically send your FREE units - Value about 7.00


Tuesday, April 15, 2014


  All people who did orders over 150 and attend the meeting Thursday night, will receive a bag of samples. Those who live out of state will receive theirs via mail.  All prizes will be those who were paid on time.

I love new people!  They inspire me!


Welcome to Tamera Andersen-Grell, Betty Andersen.  This makes Tammy a candidate for Unit Leader!  
Welcome to Martha Sheffield - she is an amazing woman who already had her list of 50 before I could tell her about it!  She has my attention!



This was for all reps in all regions of the USA

Prize for first place is a Infinite Lift  valued @$39.99

Good job people!

Here is how it all went down:

Donna Hernandez 422
Marisella Castro 365
Gina Marsh 231
Jacque Jimenez 230
Shelley Warren 223
Nicole Hamm 216
Angelina Miller 211
Josie Pilone 196
Bree Lewis 189
Sierra Mitchell 183
Martha Nucamendi 173
Brandon Billings-Reber 170
Lynn Michelle Tenorio 157
Denika 139
Maria Lozano 104
Connie Perry 64
Tamera Andersen 63
Betty Andersen 61
Valerie Day 59

If your name is not on this list, make sure you call customer service and order some books for Campaign 10 as we submit 9 on Friday before noon.


THURSDAY - 4-17-2014 6:30 PM
We will be entering your orders, processing your payments for campaign 8 and processing orders for 9, learning about new products and enjoying my creative displays that I slaved over.... as well as singing, laughing and eating cake and other 

you need to come!
  All people who did orders over 150 and attend the meeting, will receive a bag of samples. Those who live out of state will receive theirs via mail.  All prizes mailed will be those who were paid on time so that report will come out Friday night.


Emails from the District Sales Manager are vital to your business - so read them.  She has invited you all to a leadership meeting tonight.  There are some great insights to coming to this meeting.  There are different ways to be an Avon lady....

You can just hand out books and take orders.
You can learn about the products and make intelligent suggestions for helping your customer with other products (called upselling and cross-selling).
You can share the experience with others who are struggling in life and need the opportunity to make extra money.

I ask that my representatives do all three.  You really can't make any money doing a minimum order every two weeks and just taking a few orders. 

Come learn how to tweak your business plan to your advantage!  Tonight at 6:30 pm, we will be at
1290 N Scottsdale Road, #121 Tempe, AZ 85251    This is by Webber and Scottsdale road.
Coming South on Scottsdale Road, turn right on Webber and then left into the parking lot.  Make a right in the lot and follow it around to the left and you will see #121 - Follow the women in jewelry.

If you are coming North on Scottsdale Road from the 202, turn left on Webber and left into the parking lot, then right in the lot and follow it around.  Again, follow the women who all seem to have a great purpose to help others in life ;) - like YOU.

Friday, April 4, 2014


Upcoming Events:  This week 4/11/2014 we are having something called a GIRLS NIGHT OUT.  This is an opportunity for all representatives to invite their customers to a FREE event that will have displays, presentations, Make overs, Fashion Tips, even an Avon Opportunity booth - and you don't have to clean your house or make cookies!!

Just please go to: YOURAVON.COM _ login and go to the COMMUNITY tab - click on DISTRICT CALENDAR - and RSVP as to how many friends you will be bringing.

We want to make sure we have enough Chocolate and Sparkling cider for all shoppers!!

High Sales for Campaign 7

Shelly Warren - $666.00 
A lot of us think it is so hard to collect orders, that we just don't have time. Let me tell you, my hat is off to Shelley - She not only had to deal with her wedding, retirement, moving to Maryland and setting up house up there, but she was able to pull a triple dollar power play giving her the ability to slide into home base for the President's Club title.  This is no easy feat.  Daily, we have to take steps to increase our business model and she is our model to follow.

Do you have what it takes for High Sales Campaign 8?  Last night at our Unit meeting, Cynthia Kamara did over 450.00 and so did Marisela Castro - it's neck and neck to see who will win the high sales prize - there may be someone over that already - but these are the two I know about right now!  

How did they do it?  Don't just try to get the minimum order.  This is your business - this is your bread and butter.  Don't stop asking until you get the commission level you need for your goal!  There is a new commission schedule in place - do you know how it works?

If you sell 0-    49.00 - the commission is 0     

Will that pay your car payment?

  50  -149.99 -   20%
150 - 294.99 -   30%
295 - 439.99 -   35%
440 - 924.99 -   40%
925 - 1574.99 - 45%
1575.00 - +       50%

Again, don't stop asking until you have the amount you need for your bills or your goal.
Here is a link to something that will help you with your business -   Does this sound familiar?  "She said she would call me...."

Welcome New Reps for Campaign 7 and 8

Welcome to Tammy and Betty Andersen - they are going to be dynamite!  I feel it in my bones!!!
Welcome to Marisela Castro - she is going to help us with our Latina sector of our Unit -

Training - Every Tuesday night there is training at the Royal Events Center at 1290 N Scottsdale Road, Tempe, Az 85281 - Please make the effort to go there.

Unit Meetings

We had 7 people with orders in excess of 150.00 and I had bags of products for you as well as bags of samples for those with orders over 100.00.  You need to be at the Unit meeting to get the free stuff - and trust me, I give good stuff.  The next one is 6:30 on Thursday, April 17.  Reward yourself with goodies by coming to the Unit meeting.  Here are some pictures from last night's meeting
 Marisela Castro and future order packers  Marisela won a large bag of products, a bag of samples, a basket for organizing an event on the 12th and 450.00 in sales, and also a large Genics for the most addresses in her address book.

Cynthia Kamara -