Saturday, October 19, 2013

An Avon Rep walks up to God and says......

An Avon Rep walks up to God......

An Avon Rep, tired of doing what it takes to become a success talks to God and says, "God? How long is 100 years?"  God turns and says, "About one second!", then she says, "God? How much is 10,000 to you?", God turns slowly and says, "about a penny to you.".  Avon Rep smiling says, "God, can you just give me a penny?" God turns to the Avon Rep and says, "Yes, in a second".
The  moral to the story is, "Don't ask God for something you just need to take the natural steps to get yourself".  So what are you doing to make a difference in your outcome?  If your steps never change the outcome, you need to change your steps. 
If you never step outside your home and meet people or walk around your neighborhood and visit your neighbors, don't expect people to just fly to your website while you are sleeping. 
  • Every day, you need to give away 3 books. 
  • You need to smile and make eye contact with someone and ask them questions about:
  • what is their daily beauty regimen?
  • Find out what their problems are, i.e., - oily skin? Major break outs? allergies to certain products?
  • Act interested;
  • and let them know that you are going to research what you can suggest for them
.  They will be impressed that you care, they will appreciate the attention and they will reciprocate in kind by giving you their business.
God isn't going to just dump 10,000 in your lap - however you can ask him to help you organize your day so that you can make an impact on customers and optimize their interaction with Avon representation. 
Who is the best person for you to ask to explore the opportunity of Avon? 

The best person is any customer who spends money with you.  Tell them that you care about their future and you want to help them use their money more wisely so that when retirement days come, they will be independent and their optimized dollars will be working for them.  Sample script:
"You spend a lot of money taking care of your body, what would you do if I told you that I could really save you 50% (demo items) on some of the most expensive products merely by enjoying the benefits of Avon membership?  I want you to be getting the deep discounts that I enjoy.  How do you think I can be 60 years old and not have any wrinkles of a 60 year old woman?  It's because my discount and my money work for ME - I am not a slave to them.  Let's get you signed up and realizing the blessings of membership; lets let your money make you look as young as you feel.

This Week:  Make a plan to come to Mesa Community College and recruit with me on Wednesday, October 23, 2013.  Pick any two hours from 9 to 4 pm and come out.  Wear black slacks, and white short sleeved shirt.  Do your hair and make up - look sharp!  Wear comfortable shoes.  I will give you an Avon Apron.  Let's get people signed up under you so that you Jump into the future of Leadership and Start becoming the Representative you were meant to become.

Thursday - Unit Meeting at 8727 E. Amelia Avenue - Scottsdale, AZ  85251 6:30 to 8:00 pm

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