Things to remember with
Avon Orders
Not Avon products - commission is 20%
All Avon Products made in their laboratories are % earnings by volume
Earnings Chart for Avon
Don't be your own favorite, best Customer!
It's easy to be your own best customer - just place an order for anything you want in your house. Of course, you have to pay for it
If you are your own best customer, you pay the entire shipping fee of 6.95 to get your order here from California. If you have 6 customers - see your order pad. You charge them .75 each for handling. You pay no shipping - it is passed on to them.If you are your own best customer, you pay all the taxes to get our order here from CA - If you charge your customers tax, you pay only tax on your business supplies which you can write off.
That means that if you are your own best customer, you just spent all your commission on shipping and taxes if you only had a 100 order or less. If you have an order less than 50, you receive no commission and pay all the taxes and shipping.
Now....wouldn't it make sense to do what I do?
I keep asking everyone for orders until I get about 15 orders - if I end up with 10, I still walk away with about 250.00 in my pocket. If the 15 orders average 50 - that commission on 750 would be 30% or equal to my 300.00 car payment. Don't you deserve a new car? Step out of your comfort zone and start calling people. Call me or read my blog for more ideas on how to get orders. If you don't show the book, no one will ever order. If you don't ask, you won't get the order. If you don't get their email and phone number, you can't follow up.
You have great promise! You can do this business and enjoy being home with your family. I have faith in you. I can't wait to see what you are going to do this week. I always post the most recent contests on Watch tomorrow for an article on how to overcome procrastination in your business.
Love you guys,
If you sold Avon before and want to come back or would like to have as much fun as I do, I can get you started! Call me or go to: and enter my resource code: kmeyer2352
let's see who wins the Make up Pallete for #26 highest sales!
You have great promise! You can do this business and enjoy being home with your family. I have faith in you. I can't wait to see what you are going to do this week. I always post the most recent contests on Watch tomorrow for an article on how to overcome procrastination in your business.
Love you guys,
P.S. Work smarter, not harder.
Call me if you need help I'm always available by cell 480 262 3525
I'm off to Vegas this week - I put reminders on my phone so I know when to call my customers and remind them about an order. That might help you. My goal is Rose Circle so I have been showing the make up, and avon beauty line so I can get double dollars. I already have my order ready for next Friday - how are you doing?If you sold Avon before and want to come back or would like to have as much fun as I do, I can get you started! Call me or go to: and enter my resource code: kmeyer2352
let's see who wins the Make up Pallete for #26 highest sales!
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