Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Be Happy, Be yourself....

What kind of day did you have today?  Did everything go as planned? Did everyone do their part for success?  Did someone let you down?  We all have a part in each other's lives and yet we are all on this journey called life.

That is what tomorrow is for. It's a do-over.  Tomorrow a chance to start fresh.  You can be in control of your self, your activities and steer your course. So, tomorrow, make a list of everything you need to do, including.....give out 3 books and get 3 names, phone numbers and email addresses.   Find creative ways to work this into your day.

Today, I gave two to the girls at my doctors offices and got two orders.  I gave one to a waitress who is showing it to the people in the kitchen.  Just along my journey today, I made time to do my prospecting.

Let's all try a little harder tomorrow.    Get a good night's sleep and start fresh.  Keep smiling!
Love ya,

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